Export whitelist gfi mailessentials
Export whitelist gfi mailessentials

export whitelist gfi mailessentials

The bolded line confirms that this sender was on Personal Whitelist."All recipients allowed sender, setting GFI_ASEMSGPROPS_WHITELISTED property with updated details.

export whitelist gfi mailessentials

"Injecting actioning data since some users blocked/accepted the message.

  • The bolded line confirms that the sender was not on the personal Whitelist.
  • "Checking message against Personal Whitelist"
  • You will see entries similar to ones below:.
  • Open the ase_personalwhitelist.gfi_log.txt file in a text editor. This file contains information on the personal whitelists and is quickly overwritten. It corresponds to the Configuration > Anti-Spam > Whitelist > Personal Whitelist in the UI and the PWLBL.sdf table in config.mdb.
  • ","ase_personalwhitelist","Message Uninitialization." ","ase_personalwhitelist","Personal Whitelisting is disabled. ","ase_personalwhitelist","> Message Processing Block" ","ase_personalwhitelist","Licensing check: Licensed" ","ase_personalwhitelist","Personal Whitelist Enabled: False" ","ase_personalwhitelist","Provider=.4.0 User ID=Admin Data Source=C:\Program Files (x86)\GFI\. ","ase_personalwhitelist","Checking if PWLBL are enabled." ","ase_personalwhitelist","Init Message " ","ase_personalwhitelist","> Message Initialization" Personal Whitelists can only be enabled when MailEssentials is installed on the Exchange Server in AD mode, otherwise, the ase_personalwhitelist.gfi_log.txt debug log file will show: ","ase_personalwhitelist","="

    export whitelist gfi mailessentials

    If a message is not whitelisted by the Keyword Whitelist, the logging ends with the following:.The check on the body yielded a single match.The check on the subject yielded no matches."Whitelisted because of following keywords: 'access'" Emails whitelisted by this module will appear in the dashboard log as 'Keyword Whitelisted'. The debug log corresponds to Configuration > Anti-Spam > Whitelist > Keyword Whitelist in the UI and the kwhitebody and kwhitesubject tables in config.mdb. This is the debug log for the Keyword Whitelist. Open the ase_kwhite.gfi_log.txt file in a text editor.If no such entries are found for the Message-ID under review you can conclude that the email was not Whitelisted by this particular module and you can proceed to check the other Whitelist modules as described below.If the sending server IP address matches, you will instead see log entries similar to this and you can, therefore, conclude that the email in question was Whitelisted by the IP Whitelist module:.Connecting IP is the IP address of the sending server.Look out for the entries similar to the bolded lines in the sample log extract below:.Search for the Message-ID of the sample email.This debug log is for the IP Whitelist module and corresponds to the Configuration > Anti-Spam > Whitelist > IP Whitelist tab in the UI and the ipwhitelist table in the config.mdb configuration database. Open the ase_ipwhitelist.gfi_log.txt file in a text editor.

    Export whitelist gfi mailessentials