South park episode 201 full episode uncensored
South park episode 201 full episode uncensored

Particularly Islam wherein certain members bent on terrorist activities have warped the perception of the muslim world. At the time, and indeed still an issue we grapple with, there was fallout over the proper handling of materials related to worldwide religions. Let them prove they believe that we all have the right to freedom of expression free from an oppressive hand of an ostensible benevolent protector and/or malevolent forces desiring a return to control of the few.Īlmost 5 years ago, the creators of South Park lambasted the hypocrisy of our nation and the order portrayed within. Watch the videos above and pressure Comedy Central to release this episode unaltered. Spread the word that we will not be the pawns of terrorists or of tyrannical forces looking out for only their own self interests. A subject that has been capitalized upon a lot lately but not necessarily by beneficial sources but rather by those who would suppress our freedoms in the name of their bottom line. That the first amendment guarantees creators’ rights, and citizen rights, to freedom of speech. However, we should stand loud and proud in our proclamations that these things cannot be allowed to flourish. We shouldn’t use violence against violence for it only creates more violence. For it is a truth known by too many these days that there are many out there who will use this as an excuse to create more violence. But if we value our freedoms as much as we claim we do, such as sending our troops off to fight for other nations’ freedoms but being unwilling to fight for those same freedoms at home, then we must challenge any move by a government or organization or corporation that takes steps to silence voice even under the ideal of ‘protecting’ people. It’s a sad state of affairs in the nation today when creators are not allowed to make their views known out of fear or out of opportunity. Youtube won’t even allow it to become remotely viewable though clips of Kyle’s speech have made it up. Here’s a link to the uncensored episode of 201: I’m sure Comedy Central was more watching out for their employees than anything, it is certainly a convenient test tool for how much information that they can keep from public viewage. And with Citizens United, they came ever closer to this goal.

south park episode 201 full episode uncensored south park episode 201 full episode uncensored

It’s like they want to become the all encompassing force controlling the public.

south park episode 201 full episode uncensored

Too often lately, the corporations have been trying to supersede the government. Apparently, someone has managed to download an uncensored version of 201 through the South Park servers.

south park episode 201 full episode uncensored

So, a few years back episode 201 was censored by Comedy Central and drew a lot of press.

South park episode 201 full episode uncensored